Independence Day-Happy July 4th!

Washington, DC and Baltimore Metro Official Street Sweeping Services.

Phone Number:

(703) 684-1095 – Office
(703) 684-1093 – Fax

Mailing Address:

PO Box 10740
Alexandria, Virginia 22310

Overnight Address:

5221 Franconia Road
PO Box 10740
Alexandria, Virginia 22310

Independence Day-Happy July 4th!

Fourth of July greeting

On behalf of Atlantic Sweeping & Cleaning, Happy Independence Day Weekend! This year, the holiday is officially observed on Monday, July 5th, and all non-essential federal offices will be closed along with many businesses and financial institutions.

Independence Day in the United States is a federal holiday that commemorates the Declaration of Independence of the United States that took place on July 4th 1776. The Continental Congress declared that the 13 American colonies were now united, free, and independent states and would no longer be subject and subordinate to the rule of King George III and the British monarchy.

In actuality, the legal separation of the thirteen colonies from Great Britain in 1776 occurred on July 2 when the Continental Congress voted to approve the resolution of independence proposed in June by Richard Henry Lee of Virginia declaring the United States independent from Great Britain’s rule. Independence was then formally declared on July 4th, 1776.

Traditionally, Independence Day has been marked with fireworks, parades, speeches, barbecues, and other outdoor family events. Whatever activities you enjoy this Independence Day, on behalf of the Atlantic Sweeping & Cleaning team, we your celebration is a happy one!