June Is National Safety Month

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June Is National Safety Month

June is National Safety Month

Every year, the U.S. National Safety Council marks the month of June as National Safety Month. This year, 2021, marks the 25th anniversary of this annual observance. Every National Safety Month observance is unique, with different safety issues selected to be focused upon during each week of National Safety Month.

In the power sweeping industry, safety is one of the most important reasons why we sweep. Litter, debris, leaves, discarded PPE items, and automotive chemicals are all potentially hazardous. From the prevention of possible auto accidents, to helping to prevent slip, trip, and fall accidents, to protecting our drinking water by preventing foreign debris and chemicals from entering watersheds through storm drains, the power sweeping industry has a significant role to play in the day to day safety of individuals. At Atlantic Sweeping & Cleaning, we take our contributions to the enhanced safety of our client’s facilities very seriously.

Here are the safety themes for 2021 directly from the NSC, with our responses in italics:

Week 1 – Prevent Incidents Before They Start: Identifying risks and taking proactive safety measures to reduce hazard exposure on important topics from ergonomics to chemical management is crucial to creating a safe workplace. Regular power sweeping by Atlantic Sweeping & Cleaning plays a critical role in removing potential hazards from parking lots, driveways, sidewalks, and warehouses.

Week 2 – Address Ongoing COVID-19 Safety Concerns: As the pandemic continues, employers play an important role in expanding operations and returning remote workers to physical workspaces, building trust around vaccines, supporting mental health and so much more. Power sweeping is critical for removing potentially infectious discarded PPE materials. At Atlantic Sweeping & Cleaning, we are committed to do our part to help restore normalcy going forward.

Week 3 – It’s Vital to Feel Safe on the Job: Being able to be one’s self at work without fear of retaliation is necessary for an inclusive safety culture. Leading organizations focus not only on physical safety, but psychological safety as well. Atlantic Sweeping & Cleaning strives to provide a safe, and inclusive workplace for our employees.

Week 4 – Advance Your Safety Journey: Safety is all about continuous improvement. Whether organizationally or individually, NSC can help provide guidance for your path forward. At Atlantic Sweeping & Cleaning, we acknowledge that continuous improvement is a necessary and worthwhile goal and a continued endeavor.

At Atlantic Sweeping & Cleaning, we are proud to partner with 1-800-SWEEPER to observe National Safety Month.