No Place for Potholes

Phone Number:

(703) 684-1095 – Office
(703) 684-1093 – Fax

Mailing Address:

PO Box 10740
Alexandria, Virginia 22310

Overnight Address:

5221 Franconia Road
PO Box 10740
Alexandria, Virginia 22310

No Place for Potholes

A puddle in a city street pothole reflecting buildings, an airplane, and the shadow of the photographer.

As the weather warms you may be out on your properties more than usual. Have you noticed the blooming flowers and fresh mulch your landscaping company installed? How about the birds and green leaves courtesy of Mother Nature herself? And those potholes left behind by the wear and tear of cold winter weather? Wait. Those do not fit the scene! There is no place for potholes in your beautiful parking lot. Spring and Summer should be filled with beauty, not disrepair. And aesthetics aside, potholes are just plain dangerous. Let’s explore some of the reasons for quick pothole repair and the solution we have for you!

A Sore Thumb

As mentioned above, a pothole is not exactly aesthetically pleasing. When arriving to your property, a patron (especially a new patron) will notice beauty, but also notice things that seem unkempt or out of place. Among flowers and beautiful signage, potholes stick out like a sore thumb. Potholes signify a lack of responsible care for a property, often leading patrons to seek a new place to do business. Your tenants spend thousands on interior design of their buildings; yet, their patrons are greeted with unkempt potholes. It’s not a good look. So, give a good first impression and call Atlantic Sweeping and Cleaning to repair your potholes!

A Dangerous Risk

Imagine you are walking into a new place of business. You are not familiar with the lot, and you are on your phone. Suddenly, you trip in a pothole and roll your ankle. Not a good day, right? It’s not a good day for the owner of the property either! If you don’t repair potholes quickly, it could be you dealing with an injury claim. Though injury claims are not a daily occurrence, it is a dangerous risk to leave potholes in disrepair. Daily, you run the risk of personal injury or vehicle damage on your property. Thankfully, there is a quick fix available!: Atlantic Sweeping and Cleaning is here to help!

A Quick Fix

A quick fix is not always the best fix, but it is with a pothole repair from Atlantic! It is true that repairing a pothole is not an easy task; however, we make it look easy! We use infrared technology to quickly repair potholes in your asphalt. The process we employ is not only quick, but also effective! Our infrared repair process provides for fewer freeze-thaw issues and a long-lasting repair. You can trust our repair to be a repair that lasts. Our professional crews will bid and schedule your project within a good time frame for your tenants and their patrons. With Atlantic, you can rest assured that your investment in quick pothole repair is top-notch value!

A Beautiful and Sound Repair

Do not wait another day to contact us about your needed pothole repairs. The safety and aesthetics of your property are at risk. Your tenants and your patrons are counting on you to keep a pristine parking lot. You can count on us to help you exceed their expectations with a beautiful and sound repair! Contact Atlantic today!