Street Sweeper Spring Cleaning

Phone Number:

(703) 684-1095 – Office
(703) 684-1093 – Fax

Mailing Address:

PO Box 10740
Alexandria, Virginia 22310

Overnight Address:

5221 Franconia Road
PO Box 10740
Alexandria, Virginia 22310

Street Sweeper Spring Cleaning

Spring Cleaning Parking Lots and Parking Garages

The Benefits of Springtime Sweeping

Perhaps it’s the shifting to warmer temperatures, or the trees and flowers blooming in your neighborhood or those pesky seasonal allergy symptoms starting up. If you are feeling the itch to start spring cleaning, the time is absolutely right….for some street sweeper spring cleaning!

At Atlantic Sweeping & Cleaning, we know from experience how good it feels to get those spring cleaning projects underway. We also know that there are a lot of clean up tasks associated with spring, and this is where our team can help.

The Benefits of Springtime Sweeping

1. Pollen, Bee Gone

Those gorgeous flowers are a sight to behold, but those beautiful blooms mean a tremendous amount of pollen is being released into the air. We are all aware how pollen can cause severe allergy symptoms, but did you know it can also damage your car’s finish? That yellow dusting of pollen is sticky and very acidic. When the spring rains start falling, the rain water activates the acidity of the pollen, which causes your vehicle’s paint job to deteriorate over time. Regular sweeping helps to clean up pollen, which helps with keeping your car’s finish in better shape.

2. Removal of Leaves & Debris

Cleaning up leaves and debris is not exclusive to spring street sweeping, but after winter has passed, the build up can damage roads and parking lots. Leaves and paper trash are not just unsightly, they can make roads slippery and unsafe. Our services help keep paved surfaces attractive, clean and safe. 

3. Home Building Season

Spring marks the start of peak season for home sellers and buyers. As the weather allows, more home construction projects begin to get underway. As construction projects move into full swing, so will the need for our construction sweeping services. Not only can we address site cleanliness, we can also assist with best management practices for stormwater pollution prevention. 

4. Road Construction

Winter weather is often very damaging to roads, and warmer weather means construction crews will be out in force patching, improving and repaving roads. Our trained operators can handle everything from pre construction surface clean up to milling sweeping. We also offer asphalt repair, seal coating and striping services.