Groundhog Day-Winter Deja Vu All Over Again

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(703) 684-1095 – Office
(703) 684-1093 – Fax

Mailing Address:

PO Box 10740
Alexandria, Virginia 22310

Overnight Address:

5221 Franconia Road
PO Box 10740
Alexandria, Virginia 22310

Groundhog Day-Winter Deja Vu All Over Again

Washington D.C., Virginia and Maryland Anti Icing and Snow Removal Services by Atlantic Snow Contractors, LLC

The groundhog Punxsutawney Phil has once again predicted six more weeks of winter. Given that our area has recently been and continues to be subjected to some of the most severe winter weather in recent memory, that prediction is no surprise. At Atlantic Sweeping and Cleaning, we are aware there are multiple aspects to how winter weather affects your paved surfaces.

First of all, if you require snow removal services, first contact our sister company, Atlantic Snow Contractors:

The Pitfalls

The salt, brine, and other ice melting agents use for pretreatment and ongoing treatment of roads and parking lots are essential to melt snow and ice and create safer road conditions for drivers. Unfortunately, these ice mitigation measuress ultimately weaken asphalt over time and can also cause environmental issues. As a commercial property manager, municiapl official, construction manager, or similar decision maker, how do you address these issues? At Atlantic Sweeping & Cleaning we know that the answer is regular power sweeping. There are lots of compelling reasons to power sweep after a nasty winter storm.

Pavement Longevity

Regular power sweeping of all of your paved surfaces after a winter storm helps protect the servicable life of your pavement. Our sweepers spray water on paved surfaces before brushing and vacuuming to ensure the complete removal of potentially harmful particulates. Don’t wait for the weather to warm. Call Atlantic Sweeping and Cleaning to proactively power sweep and prevent expensive pavement repairs when Spring arrives.

The Environment

A cleaner paved surface will absolutely last longer, but did you know that regular power sweeping is also helpful to our environment? Sweepers remove litter, debris, salt, hydrocarbons, and other particulates before they are washed into storm drains, and ultimately into our waterways. This helps to protect our watersheds from pollution, and prevent temporary salinity spikes that can kill fish and wildlife.

It Is More Attractive

It is no surprise that a clean and well maintained parking lot is more attractive to all visitors to your facility. Aesthetics are important. A clean and neat appearance affects how your visitors perceive your facility, and also positively impacts the perceived value of your property.

Call or click Atlantic Sweeping & Cleaning today to learn more about how our regular pavement sweeping services could impact your paved surfaces for the better.