Summer Striping

Washington, DC and Baltimore Metro Official Street Sweeping Services.

Phone Number:

(703) 684-1095 – Office
(703) 684-1093 – Fax

Mailing Address:

PO Box 10740
Alexandria, Virginia 22310

Overnight Address:

5221 Franconia Road
PO Box 10740
Alexandria, Virginia 22310

Summer Striping

Summer Striping

Summer striping is essential for maintaining clear, visible markings on roads, parking lots, and public spaces during the busy summer months. As traffic increases and the sun’s rays fade existing lines, fresh striping ensures enhanced safety and organization. Whether for parking lots, crosswalks, or roadways, professional striping services can help improve the visibility of lanes, parking spots, and directional signage. Well-marked spaces also boost the aesthetic appeal and functionality of your property, creating a safer environment for both drivers and pedestrians. By investing in summer striping, you ensure long-lasting, vibrant markings that withstand the heat and heavy use throughout the season.

Why Striping

Summer striping is upon us! As schools let out and workloads lighten, people begin to travel. Yes, we know: what an obvious statement! And the businesses who rent space from you are probably planning sales and increased inventory. But as a property manager or owner, have you assessed what this means for your parking lots? All throughout the Maryland, Virginia, and D.C. Metro area, tourists unfamiliar with your area will arrive in droves, ready to spend! Parking lot striping and marking becomes even more important when new visitors arrive and do not know traffic patterns and parking spots. Let’s explore what summer striping may be needed on your property to keep up with the new visitors!

Worn Striping

Your current summer striping pattern and traffic markings may be sufficient for your lot. However, unless you have re-striped your lot recently, the stripes and marks may not be visible. Make sure you take a stroll or drive through each of your parking lots to check for worn markings. Winter can have a greater affect than you may imagine, especially with the snow we had this year!

The stripes and markings that served their purpose last year may not be so useful this year. What good is an arrow if you can’t tell which way it is pointing? A handicapped spot with no marking is just a regular parking spot to the new visitor. Make note of these details and freshen up that worn down striping this summer!

New Striping

As you envision new visitors on your property, think about what may be missing. Is there a tough turn in your lot that could use arrows to direct traffic? Could some more spots be added to accommodate larger crowds? Think about adding markings for more pedestrian crossings. Is there a place in your lot that needs to be marked as “no parking” for when crowds max out the lot? Are your fire lanes properly marked? These questions may overwhelm you; if so, contact us at Atlantic to help! A member of our team can walk you through these striping needs and more to see what may be a good fit in your lot for summer striping.

Beyond Striping

As you survey your parking lot, you may see needs beyond simply striping. Your curbs may need to be painted. Your state may have updated their laws regarding required handicapped spots, and you may need to add some! Parking bumpers that are showing wear need a fresh coat of paint. Or there may be that one tricky part of your parking lot that you just don’t know how to improve.

Our team at Atlantic Sweeping and Cleaning is happy to help you with each of your striping and marking needs! Contact us to help with your summer striping. No more traffic flow hiccups or questions like “where are the parking spaces anyway?” Just a beautiful, functional parking lot for all your guests. From assessment to completion, we will help you achieve the best results for a clearly and freshly marked parking lot.