Spring Sweeps

Phone Number:

(703) 684-1095 – Office
(703) 684-1093 – Fax

Mailing Address:

PO Box 10740
Alexandria, Virginia 22310

Overnight Address:

5221 Franconia Road
PO Box 10740
Alexandria, Virginia 22310

Spring Sweeps

Spring Sweeps

It’s getting so close! As February closes and March begins, Spring is on our minds even if it is not in the air! We anticipate blooms, warm breezes, birds singing, spring sweeps, and vacations; let’s also anticipate your parking lot’s needs. A new season brings a new need to assess your general pavement upkeep. There are many things to think of, but sweeping is your top priority. Why is sweeping so important? Sweeping keeps trash out of waterways. It also keeps smaller particles from entering your pavement and wearing it down. Sweeping is your #1 defense against debris and deterioration. So, let’s begin talking about spring sweeps!

Establish your Spring Schedule

Have you established a consistent parking lot sweeping schedule? Or do you just call a service provider when times get desperate? If you do not have an established sweeping schedule, now is the time to establish that. Call Atlantic Sweeping & Cleaning, and our experts will evaluate your needs. We will help you determine the frequency of sweeps for your specific parking lot. Frequency is important, but so is timing. Our team can arrive at a time of day that suits your tenants and customers best. We consider traffic flow, noise ordinances, and any other factors you have in mind. Atlantic Sweeping & Cleaning will establish your sweeping schedule in no time!

Adjust your Spring Schedule

If you already have a sweeping schedule, adjust it for Spring! Take into account new traffic flow for vacationers. Look at previous increases or decreases in customers for this time of year. Adjust your regular weekly and monthly schedules as needed. If you know shopping increases right before Spring Break, for example, add a sweep on the weekend prior. Atlantic Sweeping & Cleaning can help you adjust your spring sweeps so your parking lot doesn’t miss a beat!

Add Sweeps for Spring Specials

When spring is on the horizon, so are sidewalk sales, food truck events, outdoor concerts, and more! If outdoor events will impact your parking lot, add special sweeps! Any influx of patrons calls for an extra sweep or two depending on the event. A weekend sale may call for “before and after” sweeps, while a one-time event may just need one after. Spring sales that last for weeks require multiple extra sweeps, while a grand opening may just require one.

Spring into Action!

Whatever your parking lot needs, spring sweeps are the place to start. Without a proper sweeping plan, dirt and debris will threaten all other plans to improve your lot. Spring sweeps provide a clean slate for repairs, striping, sealing, and all other important repairs. If all of this feels overwhelming to you, don’t worry: this is our expertise! Our crew is standing by, ready to help you plan and implement spring sweeps. All it takes is a simple phone call or email. So contact us today, and we will get to work. With Atlantic Sweeping on your team, all of your properties in Virginia, Maryland, and D.C. Metro will be swept clean!