Why Does Asphalt Need Sealcoating?

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Why Does Asphalt Need Sealcoating?

What is Sealcoating?

The substance that we call asphalt is a mineral aggregate held together in the form of a flat surface with the use of a binder. As a result, it is susceptible to a number of environmental factors that can cause damage and deterioration, which can strip it of its usefulness to its owner with shocking speed.

For example, the rate at which the binder breaks down increases when it is exposed to air, water, and even the ultraviolet component of sunshine. As the binder breaks down, the asphalt becomes more and more brittle, which increases the impact of simple wear and tear on its surface. Each crack and each missing chunk makes it even more susceptible to the previously mentioned problems, meaning that asphalt’s rate of deterioration can speed up over time.

Since asphalt is so susceptible to damage and deterioration when it is exposed to the elements, it stands to reason that the simplest and most straightforward solution to the problem is to cover it with an insulating barrier. This practice is called sealcoating, which results in a slip-resistant surface that is sure to please the senses while also keeping out environmental factors.

How Does Sealcoating Change the Costs?

Sufficient damage and deterioration means that asphalt surfaces will no longer be able to provide their intended function for their owners, meaning that they will need either repair or replacement before they can be used again. For obvious reasons, this is an expensive and time-consuming process that should be avoided as much as possible within reason.

When sealcoating is applied in the right manner, asphalt surfaces can expect significant increases in their useful lifespans, which can increase by as much as 100 percent. Although sealcoating comes with a cost of its own, regular reapplication means reducing the need for either repair or replacement of asphalt surfaces. Something that can produce significant savings in the long run in exchange for spending much smaller sums in the short run.

How Can We Help with Sealcoating?

Those of us at Atlantic Sweeping & Cleaning offer sealcoating as part of our parking lot maintenance services. By choosing us, our clients can expect potential issues to be caught and corrected as soon as possible, thus ensuring that their asphalt surfaces will never be unprotected. Better still, our expertise and experience means that we can handle a wide range of asphalt surfaces for a wide range of clients, which should come as welcome news to both big and small businesses.

Contact Us

For those interested in learning more about the importance of care and maintenance for your parking lots, please contact us at your earliest convenience. We are committed to ensuring the satisfaction of our clients, which is why our team is waiting to provide them with all of the answers needed to make an informed choice.